OCT 23: Erotic Fiction & Sexual Liberation: a Lit Chat to Celebrate the Release of She Laughs Back

OCT 23: Erotic Fiction & Sexual Liberation: a Lit Chat to Celebrate the Release of She Laughs Back

A literary talk celebrating the exhibit catalog release for She Laughs Back: Feminist Wit in 1970s Bay Area Art with curator Elaine O' Brien




Join us to celebrate the publication of She Laughed Back, Feminist Wit in 1970s Bay Area Art with a conversation facilitated by curator Elaine O'Brien. We'll be talking about the brilliant women artists who contributed to the show and discussing subversive humor as a literary device to explore sexuality. With a brief slide presentation on the exhibit and readings by local authors Miranda Culp and Doug Rice.

Doug Rice is the author of Janey Quixote: After Kathy Acker, a gender-bending tale about a misinterpretation of Don Quixote that leads to a wild erotic escapade.

Miranda Culp, co-owner of Amatoria, is the co-author of The Canon of Aphrodisia, a collection of feminist erotic fiction based on classic literature.

Join us for a lively discussion, reading, and wine reception at Sacramento's only fine art bookstore. She Laughed Back will be available for purchase. One book minimum required for admission (cards, candles, and tees count!).

Seating is limited to 25 with standing room for 10, so arrive early to save your spot. We can accommodate folx with disabilities. Amatoria is located in a residential neighborhood so please be mindful of our neighbors.

Click here to reserve your spot (one per person please). 

Image by She Laughed Back artist Louise Stanley entitled Mystic Muse.



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